Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vocabulary Lesson

You all know a state trooper is called a "bear" and a truck stop diner is called a choke-and-puke because you have all watched Smokey and the Bandit. But here are a few other CB/truckin' terms you might not know.

Chicken coop = Scale
Cash box = Toll booth
Yard or barn = Your home terminal

Officers of the law:
City kitty = Local cop
Evil Kneevil (sp?) = Motorcycle cop

Types of trucks/trailers:
Skateboard = Flatbed trailer
Parking lot = Car hauler
Thermos bottle = Tanker trailer
Bull rack = Livestock trailer
Wiggle wagon = Tandem trailers
(Any of these can be inserted into this sentence as another truck is passing you and you want to let it know that it's clear to pull back in in front of you, "Skateboard, it's yours if you want it.")
4-wheeler = Car
K-Whopper = Kenworth
Petercar = Peterbuilt
Freightshaker = Freightliner
Binder = International

Big road = Interstate highway
Go-go juice = Fuel
Green stamps or driver's award = Ticket (As in, "Yeah, I got one of them driver's awards in Rolla MO)
Lot lizard or commercial company = entreprenural women who hate to be lonely
Chatterbox = CB radio
Seat cover = The person sitting in the passenger front seat of a passing car (As in, "Hey, Parking lot, you got it on? (referring to the CB radio) Check out the seat cover coming up on you.")
Over your shoulder or back door = Behind you
Front door = In front of you

And, every driver sounds like he's 6'5" tall, from the south, 55 years old with a deep voice on the CB. It's amuses me that none of THOSE guys ever seem to stop and get fuel. It's always these 5'8" dudes, some with a nice litlle belly, that get out of the trucks ...

Even he gets a southern accent on the radio. I tease him. OK, he spent considerable time in Missouri during his formative years, but the drawl isn't apparent to me any other time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I pass a trucker on the highway I pull up my shirt and sometimes the driver will honk at me - but not very often. Once I was at a truck stop and I asked one of the drivers why I rarely get honks. He said that it wasn't becasue my chest is too small. He guessed that it was mainly because I'm a dude. . . and that my kids are usually in the back seat.