Saturday, March 31, 2012

Benefit of Being Thinner #29

You know that pose your husband strikes when he stands in front of the mirror and pretends he's pregnant?

He blows his gut up with air, thrusts his hips forward and makes this gigantic bun-in-the-oven belly. (They all do this right? I'm not alone here, am I?)

I used to be able to sort of gross myself out by doing it, too. I'd bloat up, look at my reflection and get disgusted. I can still see the look on my face.

Disappointment. Hurt. Embarrassment. Fear.

I tried it this week in Baltimore. The hotel bathroom had giant mirrors, making it possible to get a good full-body look.

And guess what?

I can't bloat out. Even when I try.

What a pleasant surprise.

Friday, March 30, 2012

My New Obsessions

A few new things on the eating list:

1. Frosted shredded mini-wheats
2. Neuman's Own Low-Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing
3. Sugar Snap Peas
4. Blackened Salmon
5. Mojito Jelly Bellies

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fish Fix

This is my first time in Baltimore. So far, it's not my favorite place.

Not all of it is Baltimore's fault ... the show hours suck and therefore my workout and eating are all off schedule. I'm not sleeping right and I'm another week off my training plan. (And some of it is ... like the stabbing near our restaurant last night at dinnertime.)

But Charm City has delivered one very good thing.

Seafood. Fresh seafood.

I've had grilled rockfish. Blackened salmon. And a lump crab cake that was way more crab than cake. My work partner threw back some mahi mahi, softshell crab and fish tacos.


When I was bigger, I didn't order fish much because I always felt like I was getting ripped off in the satisfaction department. Flaky fish just didn't have the "chew factor" that a hunk of beef or chicken did and it usually didn't have the volume of a pasta dish.

I've retrained my palette and my brain. Salmon and tuna do have chew factor. And if I'm looking for volume, I have been known to order two sides ... like a steamed veg and a side salad.

Now I'm sure the good I did by eating all this healthy fish was undone by the mojito jelly beans, but that's a story for a different day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Room with a View

Today's abbreviated workout was odd for a few reasons.

1. It was in Baltimore.
2. It was in the afternoon, while the conventioneers were in class. My work partner graciously allowed me to LEAVE THE BOOTH to sneak it in.
3. It was hot. As in the temperature in the room was a conservative 80.
4. It was in center field. Well, left center field, actually. Of Camden Yards ... where the Orioles play. My hotel looks out on the stadium and I spent my treadmill time watching hard working dudes lay brick, shovel sand, mill around and do all things related to getting ready for the first pitch of the season.

The only thing better would have been if there was an actual game going on. It would certainly make the time go quickly!

And if you ever can't get a ticket to an Orioles game, just rent a room at the Hilton and hit the fitness center.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Circuit Work It!

The Biggest Loser's Trainer Bob says this is a circuit workout you can do anywhere, anytime. I like it.

  • 20 jumping jacks
  • 20 lunges
  • 20 push-ups
Repeat 3-5 times. Feeling froggy? Add 5 or 10 reps to each exercise. Or, add more circuits. 

No fancy equipment needed. No space. No special shoes. No shoes at all, really. 

How simple is that? 

Monday, March 26, 2012

It Takes a Little Planning

I'm off on a work trip again and won't be home until Friday. (Picking up my partner in crime tomorrow at 4 a.m. ... ugh. Who's idea was it to catch the early flight? Oh yeah. Mine.)

Same old song and dance ... long workdays with bursts of busy and stretches of standing around where we try to catch up on email and stay somewhat in control of what's going on back at the ranch.

I'm pretty good at juggling the work stuff. My team has been at this for a long time and things work smoothly when one or a few of us are out of the office. But I find it harder to schedule the right workouts and now with this half marathon thing looming, staying on schedule is more important to me than usual.

So here's the plan:

Tuesday = No workout day. Getting up so early is followed by a late night, working 6-9 p.m. or something like that.

Wednesday = Hotel treadmill. Will be tired after a long Tuesday and Eastern zone time change, but that's what it has to be.

Thursday = Another hotel workout, might be a run if my knees feel OK. Have to plan for a long run on Saturday, so I kind of need Friday off.

Friday = Maybe a bike ride if I get back in town early enough. I wish I could workout on the plane. That would be a good use of two hours instead of sitting in that tiny chair getting stiff and sore.

We have plans Sunday, so Saturday is a better option. But, weather or life may get in the way.

I'm tired already.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Off and On

Off: Had a "free eating" day yesterday which meant Mexican for lunch, no less than three potluck desserts including buttercream birthday cake, cheese sandwiches on sinful white cocktails buns and potato chips.

On: Ran 8. And lived to tell about it. Knees A-OK today!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Eat When You're Hungry?

"Eat when you're hungry?" Olivia asks as she reads over my shoulder.

"Yeah," I say. "Is that when you eat?"

"Well, yes!" she says.

"And when do you stop eating?" I ask.

"When you're full," she responds.

"Do you ever just eat because you like to taste food?" I inquire.

"Well, yeah, I guess. But if you're full you can't keep eating because you get a tummy ache," she reasons.

This is the difference between her and me. I eat when I'm long past full. Or, more accurately, I don't even really know what "full" is because it happens so rarely.

I started thinking about this last night as we were preparing the cheese tray for a party tomorrow. I was cutting ... Muenster, Colby-Jack, Cheddar, Brick ... and they were stacking it all on the platter. I was tossing all the not-so-perfect pieces in my mouth much too frequently. And they didn't sample a single piece, even though I offered.

I wasn't hungry. Just wanted to taste the yummy cheese. (And truth be told, I'd like to go get some right now out of the fridge.)

You've heard all the tricks. Drink a full glass of water before you eat. Eat slowly so your brain starts to register "full" before you have time to shove a whole bunch of food in your face. Can't say any of those things work for me.

So I have a few other strategies:
1. Get up from the table and get away from the food. Throw any nibbly leftovers in the garbage right away.
2. Do something else immediately ... get busy.
3. Eat a lot ... just make sure it's carrots or something similar.
4. Don't keep "snackables" in the house. If they're not here, I can't eat them.
5. If I must snack, I make it a time-consuming production. Count 50 raisins into a little dish. Close up the raisin bag and put it back in the pantry. Carry the dish to the couch. Eat the raisins one by one. If  I want more, I have to do the whole thing again.

Sure would be easier if I could just not eat when I'm not hungry.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bella's Favorite Exercise

Written by 10-year-old Isabella:

My favorite exercise is biking, soccer, climbing trees, tennis and swimming.

I like biking because it helps your legs and you get to race. And you can do it anywhere.

I like soccer because you it gives you energy and when you're goalie you have to jump high. I wish I could do the bicycle kick.

I like climbing trees because you can go as high as you want and you can see really far.

I like tennis because you get to hit the ball in someone's face sometimes. I play tennis with my dad!

I like swimming in the ocean and snorkeling because you can see tropical fish, sea turtles, stingrays and starfish.

I am healthy because I exercise a lot and my doctor says I should eat a lot more.

Livy's Favorite Meal

Written by 8-year-old Olivia: 

You can put almost anything on salad. My favorite combination is shredded cheese, French dressing, sesame seeds, croutons and lettuce. I like it because it's yummy and it's good for you. I like to eat salad at Pizza Hut and at home.

It's important to eat healthy food because you get healthy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Favorite Bean Things

Beans are good for you. Fiber. Protein. Low in calories. What's not to love?

1. Edamame
I love edamame. Or soy beans ... why make them sound fancier than they are?  I like 'em hot as a side dish. Buy a bag of the shelled/frozen variety and just drop them in a microwave-safe bowl, cover with  plastic wrap and steam for a couple of minutes. You can butter/salt/pepper them, but I don't usually need to. The texture is almost crunchy in a good way. Makes you feel like you're really eating something. I like 'em cold, in a salad. They give those sometimes-not-satisfying-to-chew greens some heft. I like 'em "in the pod" like the version you get in Japanese restaurants. They also sell these in the freezer case at Woodman's. The outside of the pod is salty and you sort of suck the beans out. Sounds sexier than it is. But it's still delicious.

2. Black Beans
So versatile! Rinse a can of black beans and use it to stretch just about anything you make with ground beef or ground turkey. Great match with Tex-Mex fare, of course, but also works in chili, sloppy joes, brown rice, or even scrambled eggs. I also add them, along with corn, celery, red/green peppers to turn a chunky salsa into a side salad.

3. Garbanzo Beans
I think I love garbanzos more than I love edamame. I have to admit, I have not tried much in the "hot" category with these, but I simply adore them in a salad. Love, Love, LOVE! And you already know about my hummus obsession. Very little oil and a LOT of lemon. So yummy.

4. Wasabi Peas
OK, peas aren't beans. But wasabi peas rock and they should be mentioned in this blog frequently.

5. Jelly Beans!!!
'Nuf said. The orange and white ones are my favorite. But I will also eat the purple ones. The "speckled" variety where there is a white with pink spots is the ultimate best. I will eat the red, yellow, pink and green ones ... in that order ... but throw away the black ones. (And Mike & Ikes and Sugar Babies are better than jelly beans any day of the week, but don't tell the Bunny I said so.)

Learn more here:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sucky Surprise

Today's warm temps (and a freaking adorable new pair of sandals) forced me to dig out a pair of capris today for work.

They were tight.

Not "I can't wear them" tight. But "too tight to be comfortable" tight.

My heart sank.

Yes, I am four pounds up from where I normally am right now. The past two weeks of sporadic exercise and my new, not-as-strict eating habits have had an effect.

But never in a million years did I think that four pounds would make such a big difference.

And honestly, I don't think it's the actual pounds. I think there's been a redistribution or jellification. (Like that? I made that word up.) I think I'm not as toned and lean as I was last year at this time. I just feel flabbier.

It's certainly not a mystery as to why.

Yes, I have been much more lenient with my diet. More refined sugar. More candy. More empty calories. I used to ONLY eat whole wheat as a carb and now I include other things. I've had pizza two weeks in a row. Pie. Coconut cake. Birthday cake.

It's no surprise how it happened. But I thought that if "the number" (blessed damn number) didn't change, I was OK.

That's not the case. Lesson learned.

So I'm back on the more strict Mediterranean eating plan again. No more chewing after 7 p.m. More water.

I'm not going down without a fight. Mostly because I bought a super cute pair of white pants at the end of the season last year for $4 or something like that and I'll be damned if I'm not going to wear them. Those adorable shoes I mentioned earlier were born to be worn in tandem.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Size It Up

You have already heard about my obsession with comparing my butt size to others. I do it all the time. It's not a new thing ... I did it when I was bigger and it didn't go away as I got smaller.

I do it because I just don't have a good internal perception of what I really look like. When I was bigger, I didn't think I looked that big. Now that I'm smaller, my interpretation of myself is bigger than reality ...

... I think.

Hence the compare.

I did a little interesting web search this weekend after reading some random article about what size jeans Kim Kardashian wears. (She claims waist size of 27 inches, BTW. I think the first pair of Levi's I remember buying ... in elementary school ... from Martin's Menswear in Whitewater ... were a size 27. And I don't think I have purchased a pair of pants by waist size since.) I was curious what size celebrities really are.

And here's what I learned:

Jennifer Lopez is a 6 on a good day. Or 8 on a not so good day.

I like that.

P.S. Do you remember the vault in Martin's where the dressing rooms were? The building was once a bank, obviously.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Chocolate Season Over

Last week's high temps have forced a major change in my eating habits.

How does the weather mandate a change in how I feed my face, you ask?

Well, to explain it fully, I have to make a sort of embarrassing confession first.

My name is Miss Daisy and I'm a chocoholic. (This is where you say, "Hi, Miss Daisy.")

The cold, crisp winters of Wisconsin allow me to keep chocolate in my car. My drug of choice? Harry & David Dark Chocolate Truffles and Dove Dark, of course.

I've been storing them in the back seat. In my slightly demented and obviously addicted thought process, I think that if I make them moderately inconvenient, I won't go digging for them as often, and therefore eat less. In the spirit of this attempt at total honesty, I will also admit to keeping a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt or orange flavor in the center console once in a while.

Gawd, this is embarrassing.

In any case, last week's mercury climb means chocolate can no longer safely be stored in the car.

It melts.

Jim caught me red handed last week and I had to admit all of this this to him first. You see, I had a bar of dark with chili stowed away in the pocket behind the passenger seat. I reached for it after work and found a semi-melted mess. Because I can't resist, I tried to lick a little off the foil wrapper. What I didn't know was that I left evidence on my upper lip.

When I walked in the house, Jim spotted it immediately.


Thank goodness it's Jelly Bean season.

P.S. This morning was simply gorgeous for a run! Warm enough to wear summer gear. Windy enough to keep you from ugly sweating. Cool enough to not need a whole lot of water. I felt like I could go forever. So I went 6 miles. Two over my goal. Hoping like hell I don't regret it tomorrow.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Every Other Day

(If you're tired of hearing about my workout schedule, this would be a good time to get on Facebook.)

Thought I might give you an update on the half-marathon training schedule.

I walked 2 miles successfully on Wednesday. No pain. So I biked 24 miles Thursday. Still all good.

With much fear and trepidation, I walked for a mile on Friday morning and then took a big, deep breath ...

And RAN 2 miles!!!

Do you see a pattern here? I'm only pounding pavement every other day. That's my plan now. So today is an off day, with a bike ride in the afternoon. Tomorrow I'm going to run 4 miles, weather and God willing.

If I want to make this happen, I have to be smart and train properly. I have never, in the whole two years I've been at this, only ran/walked every other day.

It feels wrong. But I think it's right.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Subject Line: Skinny Minnie!

This is a little email exchange between me and a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I spotted her the other day from afar and didn't get a chance to talk to her. 

Subject Line: Skinny Minnie! 
From: Miss Daisy
To: Money Honey

What gives? :-)

From: Money Honey
To: Miss Daisy

Believe it or not, if you slow down what goes in your mouth and get a little exercise … even at 52 years old, you can lose weight!  I started watching last spring when I bought my mother-of-the-bride dress and since then, living like this seems much more natural!

Thanks Miss Daisy!

From: Miss Daisy
To: Money Honey

Oh, I believe it!!!!! Good for you. You look fantastic. And, it just does feel better all over, doesn’t it? I always say that I just feel more comfortable in my skin. (Even if there’s a little extra of it at this point!)

Yay for you. And … 52 ain’t nothin’, if I know you! LOL


From: Money Honey
To: Miss Daisy 

I feel like I’m about 32!  I look forward to walking and getting exercise.

I was putting softener salt into the tank and as I picked it up, I thought how in the world could this heavy bag be what I have lost!

From: Miss Daisy
To: Money Honey

Isn’t that the truth?!  I always think of that famous Oprah snippet where she pulls out the wagon of fat to illustrate how much weight she lost. I just don’t think that explains it enough … the visual doesn't do it justice. It’s the actual lifting of the bag of softener salt and thinking, “Holy cow, I was carrying this with me everyplace I went” that makes it so much more real.   

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Guest Blogger: The Race!

Here's a first-hand look at the half marathon from our girl GaryAllanFan. I want to point out to you that the only other race she ever ran was a 1 miler last summer. If you go from 1 mile to 13.1, I'm not sure how you follow-up 13.1! I wouldn't be a bit surprised to hear GAF tell me she signed up for one of those 50-mile deals. If you have questions for her or Amber, post a comment here. 

First things first: We made it. We accomplished our goals.....the slow bus didn't pick us up, we finished and we didn't fall down. So mission accomplished! 

I think we may have started out a little too strong. We were pretty consistent for our first 6 miles. Then miles 6-9 were a little tougher. Once we hit mile 9, I felt like I was going to die. I got a charlie horse in my left calf and it wouldn't go away. Amber was having trouble with her arches. So needless to say ... we ended up doing more walking than we had planned on. The last 4 miles were tough. They seemed to drag on forever. I had an upset stomach (after downing supplements) and was exhausted. However, we kept going. Once we were on the final stretch and we saw our support team ... Roger, Teri, Tammy, Alysia and Amanda ... we got a little boost of energy to run across the finish line.

It really took every once of energy that I had to finish. It was TOUGH. But I am proud to say we finished. And we are going to do another. We're tentatively thinking Nashville next year. And next year we'll be stronger, faster and run more than we did this year. I'm up for the challenge and looking forward to becoming a better runner.

Next goal......finish a 5K and run the whole thing. No run/walk it and hopefully in 36 minutes. I've got my 5K training plan back out and will start that in the next couple of days. Giving my body a little bit of a rest and then I'll be back at it.

I didn't get as emotional at the finish line as I thought I would. I think I was too exhausted. And I'm still not quite sure it has sunk in yet.....never in a million years did I think I'd be doing a half marathon. BUT WE DID!!! Thanks for being my running partner Amber!

How cool is that? Also keep in mind that while these ladies trained in the cold, early morning (dark) hours in Wisconsin, this race was in Sarasota. So they had to figure out how to hydrate and feed their bodies in a different way, too. For more information on the run-walk training plan, visit here:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You Can Feel It

In the old days, I could put on a few pounds (and I did) and not notice it. I couldn't FEEL the weight on me.

I'm not sure if I stopped paying attention to how I felt and how I moved or if I got so used to that feeling of heavy-and-tight-and-full-and-sluggy that I just couldn't feel the el bees.

But now that I've been this way for so long, the addition of a few pounds is noticeable. Really noticeable.

So, this not working out like normal thing has left me feeling like a big tub of goo. I feel jiggly. And roly poly. And bloated. I notice it around my middle. I notice it in my face and neck.

It makes me want to feel better.

So my two-mile walk this morning was a good start. The knee feels pretty good. I'm anxious to hit it again tomorrow.

Concentrating on how bad the food makes me feel allows me to combat the urge to keep stuffing my face. No matter how good it tastes, it doesn't FEEL better to eat it.

Your brain is the hardest muscle to train.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tomorrow I Walk!

I have followed instructions and I have taken the time off. My knee feels better. It's not perfect, but I'm off the ibuprofen and ice.

Part of me is so anxious to get at it that I can't stand it. Part of me is scared because I hope it's been "long enough" and that walking isn't going to hurt anything. If it hasn't been long enough and it hurts, then I lose another few days or week or whatever. So frustrating.

But there's only one way to know. Wish me luck.

Monday, March 12, 2012

All You Gotta Do ...

To quote that great old cheer,

All you gotta do
Is put your mind to it.
Buckle down! Buckle down!
Do it! Do it! Do it!

That's about as cheerful and enthusiastic as I get at this time of day. Those words have been swinging through my head as I've been trying to eat on plan this past week. I've been down this road before and I'm surprised how hard it is to get back on the totally good behavior train.

And I have the benefit of knowing I can do it because I have done it very recently ... so this reminds me of how daunting the whole thing seems if you haven't lost a pound in a very long time.

But the cold, hard truth is that you just have to stop eating the crap. Stop eating late. Stop eating too much.

Mind over matter.

Sure, it's more complicated than that. But it's also just that easy.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

They Did It!!!!

Gary Allan Fan and Amber ran 13-point-freaking-one miles this morning in Sarasota, Florida.

Yup. That's 13.1. As in a half marathon.


How about a big Carsick Caravan round of applause for them?

With any luck, we'll get a guest posting or two from the ladies ... with photos of those enormous medals ... so the rest of us can live vicariously and share in the celebration.

It CAN be done, readers. With a good training plan, the right mindset and a "never say die" attitude, you can do it, too. You don't have to be 19 years old. Or a size 0. Or a lifelong athlete.

You just have to want it.

You have to want it more than the aches and pains want you to stop. You have to want it more than the cold/rainy/miserable training days want to prevent you from getting out there. You have to want it more than the injuries want to slow you down.

Gary Allan Fan knows all about injuries. She had knee surgery a year or two ago and still made it today. Amber works two jobs and goes to school ... and had her own fair share of pain to work around.

It's doable.

But you gotta want it.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Stir Crazy

This not working out thing is driving me batty.

I made it home late last night and had to hit the ground running this morning, to get ready for the friends and family that would arrive at my house in the afternoon. I was up and at it early, back home by 1 p.m., and spent a few hours getting food ready and the house picked up. By 4 p.m., the whole crew was here and the party began.

I was busy from the word go, but didn't get an actual workout it. In other words, my body was in motion from sun-up to sun-down, but it wasn't the motion I needed. I needed the sweat. I needed the calorie burn. I needed the deep breaths. More importantly, I needed the time to clear my head.

Tomorrow, come hell or high water, I'm going to sneak in a long bike ride under the blue sky. For me. Just for me. 

P.S. By the time you all read this tomorrow, GaryAllanFan and Amber will have crossed the finish line in Sarasota ... 13.1 miles in the bank. So freaking amazing!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Simple Advice

When trying to eat right, avoid Italian restaurants at all costs.

Ugh. Tonight's business dinner was delicious. But too many empty carb calories in the form of noodles and oily, garlicky rolls. Not nearly enough vegetable, because tomato sauce and salad covered in dressing just doesn't count.

Not exercising means eating has to be better. This isn't the right way to do that.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Glorious and Grounded

Can you believe how warm it was Tuesday? Just in case we have readers from outside of Wisconsin, the mercury climbed over 60 degrees as if it was full-fledged spring! What a completely glorious day!

To celebrate, I snuck out of work early and hopped on my bike to get a quick 30-minute ride in before the sun set. A windbreaker and long-sleeve compression shirt was one layer too warm. How spectacular is that?

Bring on the longer days! Bring on the warm wind! Bring on green grass and 9 months without snow!

And then there was the bad news.

Sought actual medical advice today on the knee because it just wasn't feeling right. And, I've been grounded through the weekend. Good outcome? Some sort of simple-overdid-it, arthritis-flare-up, Baker's-cyst-inflamed, just-needs-some-rest combo. Bad outcome? Additional meniscus tear.

"No running?" I asked.

"No," she said.

"None at all? Not even short ones?" I question, hopefully.

"No," she said. "None."

I reconsider my tactic, drop my chin,scrunch up my nose and raise one eyebrow. "Walking? Just a little?"

"No!" she laughs. "But you can ride a bike. Biking is OK."


Only seven weeks between me and a half marathon. Knowing I can't run, and haven't for six days, is making me one cranky girl. It just makes me mad.

And as much as I want the "rest" over and the running to start again, I know Jim wants it more. I'm not a whole lot of fun to live with right now.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You're Worth It

You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it.

In other words, you're worth it.

You deserve to treat yourself well. The best gift you can give yourself is to be healthy. It's also the best gift you can give the ones you love.

The healthier you are, the better your life will be. Because you can actually LIVE it. No limitations. No boundaries. No sitting on the sidelines.

No guilt. No self loathing. No inner bashing. No fear. No defeat. No excuses.

And trust me. Feeling badly about the way you look or the extra weight you're carrying is SO MUCH HARDER than the work it takes to eat right and exercise more.

You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to eat exactly right every single day. You don't have to work out exactly right every single minute. But you have to make a commitment to yourself to do both more often than not.

Because you're worth it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

One of These Things ...

Do you remember that song from Sesame Street? Or was it Mr. Rogers? "One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong ..."

To help you understand the rest of this post, you need to know this little fun fact about me.

I always travel in sweats. Always. Tasteful, coordinating sweats ... on Sunday it was a Calvin Klein ensemble ... but sweats just the same. I have been stuck too many times for too many hours (or days) in too many airports or on too many tarmacs or in too many crappy airport hotels without luggage to NOT travel comfortably.

And normally, there aren't a lot of people dressed like me. Until yesterday, that is.

You see, "The Arnold" was in Columbus this past weekend, as was I. The Arnold, as the locals call it, is Arnold Schwarzenneger's Fitness Expo/Conference/Gathering, billed as the world's largest, multi-sport fitness competition on its website:

Which means, accordingly, that zillions of athletes, namely weightlifters and body builders in all shapes, ages and sizes, were also out in force.

As I walked from the ticketing counter to the gate at the airport, it became very apparent that I was not the only person in sweats waiting for a plane.

However, I many have been the only one in sweats without a lifting belt, bulging biceps, severely highlighted hair ... and a spray tan.

P.S. Workout Update: Walked this morning. Knee still really stiff and painful. Not sure where to go from here. Consulting non-medical experts tomorrow.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

For the First Time, the Hotel Wins

No workout at this Holiday Inn in Columbus OH.

I've never not worked out while on a business trip. And it feels really bad.

But between the lame equipment, a hurting knee, the long hours of the show and the sleep-preventing packs of teenagers roaming the halls until 4 a.m., I just don't have what it takes to get it done this time.

(Funny story. As I'm awakened--for the 10th time--at 3:30 a.m. by a group of boys carrying on in the hallway, I decide I've had enough. I hurl my Medusa-haired, waffle-weave-long-john-pajama-ed and bleary-eyed self toward the door and with all my frustration and anger, I fling open my door and yell, "HEY! Could you guys knock it off?"

Yes, I asked a question. Like the polite Midwesterner I am. I asked it LOUDLY and forcefully, mind you, but I didn't scream, "Shut the Ef up," like I should have. Or, "Get back to your effing rooms or I'm calling the cops!"

No. I asked a question. And because the chain lock was on the door, the fling wasn't nearly as powerful as it should have been. Such a missed opportunity for drama. I'm sure this 44-year-old woman in flowered pj bottoms would have scared the crap out of them had they seen her.

And, in typically Midwestern fashion, the probably harmless teenage boys replied, "Sorry." And they quietly moved on.)

So, my training plan is officially derailed one week. Going to take a little maneuvering to get this done. But I will.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Again

It's that time of year. The official "mark" of this journey for me. It's been two years since I started down this road and I'm feeling nostalgic.

I looked back at last year's post commemorating the event here:

Since that post, I've lost a whopping four pounds and really settled into this new existence. But a few things have changed.

I've gotten stronger. I lift more weight and do it more often. I can hold my planks a lot longer. And I know my will is locked in to make this a lifelong commitment.

I've created a healthier heart. My once border-line high blood pressure is in excellent shape. I can run 10 miles if I feel like it. And I know I approach those I love in a better way because I have a new appreciation of myself.

Most importantly, I've gotten smarter. I understand what my body is, does and wants. I'm at peace with the way I look and the imperfections that exist. And I know who "me" really is.

I stood in front of my hotel mirror this morning in all my glory, looked myself straight in the eye, and thanked the woman staring back at me. She had more courage than I knew she had. She's tough as hell on one hand and grateful on the other to those of you who have supported her along the way.

To quote the Tshirt, "Life is good."

Friday, March 2, 2012

You Gotta Be Kidding Me

This is week 1 of my half marathon training plan. Week of 1 of only 8 between here and there. And here's what I get:

A knee that's KILLING me.

It hasn't hurt like this in months. Months and months. I didn't run particularly hard or long this week, so I can't figure it out. I ran about 5 on Sunday, skipped Monday, ran 4 miles on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday and 4 on Thursday. This morning I did strength and isometric. I don't remember doing feeling anything funny. In fact, I felt pretty good in leg and lung on Wednesday and Thursday.

And that schedule is nothing different than what I've been doing all along. The weekend running was actually a little short.

Popping Advil. Probably going to take tomorrow off, too, mostly because I'm at a show and it runs 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and I'm solo ... so there won't be a great way to sneak a workout in during the day.

Someone must think this is funny. I don't.

But maybe I'll just have to take one of those warm days next week off to get a long road run in to make up for this weekend?

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Not to pat myself on the back, but I hit one out of the park tonight for dinner. It was delicious. Jim liked it. It was fast. It was easy.

But it also had too many calories.

So I'm going to tell you how I'm going to make it next time so that it's a bit healthier. I do this a lot ... find something I like and then figure out how to make it better. I think it's fun. (Clearly, my life isn't very exciting!)

Tonight's dinner:

Chopped onions and garlic sauteed in olive oil
1 7 oz. jar of roasted red pepper/artichoke spread (little jars, sold by pesto in Italian aisle)
2 wedges of Light Laughing Cow garlic/herb cheese
Reserved pasta water to thin it out a little

Mix with
Whole wheat bowtie pasta
Leftover homemade turkey meatballs (see recipe here

The little jar of spread had 700 calories. The label said canola oil ... it must have had a lot. Plus it had too much salt and junk in it. (It's the pre-packaged crap I spoke out against last night. See! It's evil!) By the time you add all the calories and fat in the rest of the ingredients, and consider the fact that Jim and I ate the whole thing, it was just too much.

So the next time, I'm just going to make my own sauce where I can control the oil and salt. I mean, how can you get 700 calories in a 7 oz. jar?

First, I'll roast my own red peppers or buy a jar of them. Then I'll combine them with a can of artichoke hearts in the food processor and puree them. Heat up 1-2 teaspoons or so of olive oil and sautee some onions and garlic in it. Add the puree mixture and cook through. Salt, red pepper flake and pepper to taste. Toss in a little grated parm cheese instead of the processed Laughing Cow. Then mix with the meatballs and whole wheat pasta.

It will probably taste fresher and better.

Do you have any good recipe makeovers you want to share?