Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Glorious and Grounded

Can you believe how warm it was Tuesday? Just in case we have readers from outside of Wisconsin, the mercury climbed over 60 degrees as if it was full-fledged spring! What a completely glorious day!

To celebrate, I snuck out of work early and hopped on my bike to get a quick 30-minute ride in before the sun set. A windbreaker and long-sleeve compression shirt was one layer too warm. How spectacular is that?

Bring on the longer days! Bring on the warm wind! Bring on green grass and 9 months without snow!

And then there was the bad news.

Sought actual medical advice today on the knee because it just wasn't feeling right. And, I've been grounded through the weekend. Good outcome? Some sort of simple-overdid-it, arthritis-flare-up, Baker's-cyst-inflamed, just-needs-some-rest combo. Bad outcome? Additional meniscus tear.

"No running?" I asked.

"No," she said.

"None at all? Not even short ones?" I question, hopefully.

"No," she said. "None."

I reconsider my tactic, drop my chin,scrunch up my nose and raise one eyebrow. "Walking? Just a little?"

"No!" she laughs. "But you can ride a bike. Biking is OK."


Only seven weeks between me and a half marathon. Knowing I can't run, and haven't for six days, is making me one cranky girl. It just makes me mad.

And as much as I want the "rest" over and the running to start again, I know Jim wants it more. I'm not a whole lot of fun to live with right now.

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