Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fish Fix

This is my first time in Baltimore. So far, it's not my favorite place.

Not all of it is Baltimore's fault ... the show hours suck and therefore my workout and eating are all off schedule. I'm not sleeping right and I'm another week off my training plan. (And some of it is ... like the stabbing near our restaurant last night at dinnertime.)

But Charm City has delivered one very good thing.

Seafood. Fresh seafood.

I've had grilled rockfish. Blackened salmon. And a lump crab cake that was way more crab than cake. My work partner threw back some mahi mahi, softshell crab and fish tacos.


When I was bigger, I didn't order fish much because I always felt like I was getting ripped off in the satisfaction department. Flaky fish just didn't have the "chew factor" that a hunk of beef or chicken did and it usually didn't have the volume of a pasta dish.

I've retrained my palette and my brain. Salmon and tuna do have chew factor. And if I'm looking for volume, I have been known to order two sides ... like a steamed veg and a side salad.

Now I'm sure the good I did by eating all this healthy fish was undone by the mojito jelly beans, but that's a story for a different day.

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