Monday, March 26, 2012

It Takes a Little Planning

I'm off on a work trip again and won't be home until Friday. (Picking up my partner in crime tomorrow at 4 a.m. ... ugh. Who's idea was it to catch the early flight? Oh yeah. Mine.)

Same old song and dance ... long workdays with bursts of busy and stretches of standing around where we try to catch up on email and stay somewhat in control of what's going on back at the ranch.

I'm pretty good at juggling the work stuff. My team has been at this for a long time and things work smoothly when one or a few of us are out of the office. But I find it harder to schedule the right workouts and now with this half marathon thing looming, staying on schedule is more important to me than usual.

So here's the plan:

Tuesday = No workout day. Getting up so early is followed by a late night, working 6-9 p.m. or something like that.

Wednesday = Hotel treadmill. Will be tired after a long Tuesday and Eastern zone time change, but that's what it has to be.

Thursday = Another hotel workout, might be a run if my knees feel OK. Have to plan for a long run on Saturday, so I kind of need Friday off.

Friday = Maybe a bike ride if I get back in town early enough. I wish I could workout on the plane. That would be a good use of two hours instead of sitting in that tiny chair getting stiff and sore.

We have plans Sunday, so Saturday is a better option. But, weather or life may get in the way.

I'm tired already.

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