Monday, March 12, 2012

All You Gotta Do ...

To quote that great old cheer,

All you gotta do
Is put your mind to it.
Buckle down! Buckle down!
Do it! Do it! Do it!

That's about as cheerful and enthusiastic as I get at this time of day. Those words have been swinging through my head as I've been trying to eat on plan this past week. I've been down this road before and I'm surprised how hard it is to get back on the totally good behavior train.

And I have the benefit of knowing I can do it because I have done it very recently ... so this reminds me of how daunting the whole thing seems if you haven't lost a pound in a very long time.

But the cold, hard truth is that you just have to stop eating the crap. Stop eating late. Stop eating too much.

Mind over matter.

Sure, it's more complicated than that. But it's also just that easy.

Do it! Do it! Do it!


marthamac said...

Kind of reminds me of my cheerleading days! :)
Sometimes, that 'buckling down' is the hardest part...a daily struggle!
Thanks for the inspiration!

Miss Daisy said...

The good news? You can probably still do one of those herkey things while you do the cheer ... which is just extra calorie burn. I can't jump up and down and clap at the same time. So you'll get a better workout!