Yesterday, I logged a measly 3,000 steps. And I had anxiety about it all day long.
Angst, in spite of the fact that I did 13 miles the day before. (Which, when added to normal daily activity is more than 26,000 steps.)
Trepidation, in spite of the fact that I did a complete small group workout early in the morning. (Weight-lifting doesn't add up to many steps, but it did equal some sweat.)
Irritation, in spite of the fact that I know this is about a week, a month, a lifetime, not just a day. (Mind you, my daily/weekly/monthly average is just fine and above the recommended 10,000 steps per day.)
So, I woke up today, hit the 5:30 a.m. RIPPED class, and then came back home for a 4-mile visit with my treadmill. I got the magical Fitbit buzz/vibration long about mile 3 telling me I'd hit that 10K mark.
And all is right with the universe again.
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