Thursday, July 24, 2014

First, the Exercise ...

I am happily and proudly back on the workout horse. The extra 20 pounds I'm carrying around are not making me happy and it's time to face it and get working on it.

Mostly because I'm tired of feeling badly about it and feeling badly about me. I'm tired of wondering if clothes are going to fit when I hit my closet each morning. I'm tired of pretending like it doesn't bother me.

I miss feeling confident and in charge. (You know how much I like to be in charge.)

So I'm starting with the exercise. It's honestly easier for me than fixing the bad eating habits I've acquired over the past 12 months.

The problem? After the "no formal exercise" last week of vacation and a bit of a screwed up couple of weeks since, I was getting used to sleeping in, short-cutting cardio, skipping strength training. The good news? I've managed to get on a good kick for a week or so and I'm happy about that.

So here's a quick rundown of what I've been doing

I'm trying to run. My goal is always four miles a day, at least three times a week, preferably four. On days it doesn't work, I walk.

I'm also loving the hell out of my bike. My BIL fixed my shifter while I was on vacation and I got it back shortly after my return. The first day, I took a 15-mile ride and haven't looked back.

This is the past week:

Last Friday: 45 biking miles total ... from my house to Beloit to the north side of Janesville and back home.
Last Saturday: Ran four.
Sunday: Half a strength workout. Moved some furniture, which doesn't remotely count for anything.
Monday: Ran four, biked 27 ... and man, was it HOT.
Tuesday: 10 treadmill miles, three running and seven walking.
Wednesday: Biked 27, then walked another two-ish at the Rock County Fair
Thursday: Strength workout/cardio rest

Tomorrow I'm hoping for another run/walk combo.

It's not enough. Well, it's too much, I guess, to be sustainable. But what I mean is that it needs to be smarter, more strategic and it needs to pair with proper eating to be effective.

The proof? The scale has not yet moved.

However it's right for me right now. It's going to give me the strength to take the next step and that's what I need.


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