Saturday, July 26, 2014


After a 5-week-or-so hiatus, I made it back to RIPPED this morning at the Janesville Country Club. At 6:30 a.m. On a Saturday.

And the class kicked my ass.

Yes, the music/routines were all new(they change every few months to keep things interesting), so that complicated things a bit. But it wasn't the primary problem.

The primary problem was that I've been missing a whole body, cross-functional workout for too long.

Let me put it this way ... I was sweating so much that my yoga mat got all wet and slippery, preventing me from doing side plank push-ups. My feet kept slipping off the dang mat.

Dripping. I was absolutely dripping. In less than an hour.

I love this workout. It's different from lifting weights. It's not as dance-y and "girly" as Zumba. THIS IS NOT FOR WOMEN ONLY.

If you haven't, try it out. For $5/class, you can't go wrong.

Instructor: Peggy Anderson (
Location: Janesville Country Club
July Schedule: Tues/Thurs/Sat 6:30 a.m.
Bring: Towel, weights, yoga mat, water

Email Peggy to get on her distribution list so she can update you on class schedules, etc.

This is also a pretty good description of what actually happens in a class:

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