Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Almost Three Weeks with Fitbit

My hubs got me a Fitbit for my birthday. I've been wearing it for almost three weeks and I thought I'd give you an initial review. And since I know I'm a bit late to this party, I'd love to know what you think of yours, as you have had more time to use it.

What I like:

  • It's black, so it goes with just about everything I wear. 
  • It counts my steps and lets me know when I hit my goal. Plus, it can serve as a reminder to get off the couch when I have not yet met my goal. 
  • It measures my sleep/restless periods during the night. 
  • I have the option to record my food and exercise online.

What I don't:

  • Since I'm not logging my food ... I'm just not into the minutiae/detail of that ... I'm not taking full advantage of the calories in/calories out capabilities. 
  • It's sort of big and clunky. The Jawbone is a bit sleeker. 
  • It's not REALLY telling me anything I don't know about my exercise regiment. And it doesn't accurately capture strength training or biking activity. Yes, I can log those things, but as I've already mentioned, I'm not into/not good at keeping track of stuff.  

How I think it will help:

  • For me, the sleep tracking has been the most interesting. I have learned that I average less than 7 hour per night ... and remember, this is me without an alarm clock 5 days of the week. What's more, in that 6-ish hours of sleep I am getting, I'm "restless" or moving enough 5-10 times per night to register as awake ... meaning I'm flailing around and perhaps not actually getting good rest while I am sleeping. 
  • Since I know sleep is important (the third leg of the stool, remember this post?), I'm more aware and now trying to go to bed earlier. 
  • Being able to see the patterns of my active and sedentary times helps me understand in a new way what being off work is doing to me. It's great to get up and run 6 miles, but if I spend the rest of the day sitting still, I'm sort of cancelling it out.
Do you have a Fitbit or a Jawbone or something else? What do you like? How does it help? Tell me! 

Last night's sleep. Or lack thereof, I guess. The pink lines indicate restlessness and/or
awake. I officially woke up at 4 a.m. and pretty much stayed that way until 5 a.m. 

Yesterday's workout. I walked 6, then ran 2, per my treadmill.
When I logged on immediately following, the Fitbit indicated I'd
gone 7.4 miles. So my treadmill and the Fitbit don't agree on
distance. Then I didn't leave the house for the rest of the day. 

1 comment:

marthamac said...

I love my Jawbone. I got it in early September. I like it for monitoring my sleep. (I sleep less than I should just like you, but don't wake nearly as often). I also like the step log, as I am participating in a walking challenge in my community through December. I log my food with mine, and I really like that option. It is a hassle, but it keeps me on track. I think the Jawbone does almost the same as the Fitbit. I do like that mine is light grey, and a bit slimmer. I opted for the 'cheaper' version that is not blue tooth enabled, so I have to plug it in to my phone to upload the info. I'm okay with that though...for the money I saved. I love how it keeps me accountable for my workouts, food, and sleep. It's a really fun 'gadget'! :)