Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today marked the last of my three Synvisc knee injections.

And it hurt like a mofo. I don't remember any of them hurting in the first round a year ago.

Of course the pain was short-lived. But right now I can see why they give them in a once-a-week series of three instead of all at once.

My PA was trying so hard to get me through it, too. I'll set the scene for you:

Go to exam room. Get blood pressure taken by nurse. Put goofy blue Tyvek shorts on because I'm not smart enough to wear something I can hike up over my knee.

PA enters the room with boxed "kit" in hand. Kit contains loaded syringe. She cleans the area, then sprays on a topical anesthetic.

Then she sticks the needle in. And it takes a while to get all the stuff in there. The more she pushes, the more it hurts.

She's very good at starting a conversation/topic before the needle goes in ... because she knows she's going to need something to discuss while she's pumping in the good stuff. Today's conversation was about my upcoming vacation. She was trying so hard to keep my mind off the actual event.

To give you an idea of how long it takes, say this out loud, "I really appreciate you trying your best to distract me while this is going on, but it's not completely working!"

That was me, of course.

I had time for that sentiment, and a few seconds of chit and chat on both sides of it before the injection was complete. And some heavy breathing. And maybe a small yelp.

Then it was over. I limped out. By the time I got to the parking garage, it was already better.

Glad I'm done. I'm supposed to not do anything too jarring for a couple of days.

Bike riding for the rest of the week!

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