Monday, May 19, 2014

The Ultimate Diet Meal

Today was Monday. Which meant I took in a giant Ziploc bag of jicama in to work, to munch on all week long.

At lunchtime, I wandered out into the kitchen, grabbed it from the fridge, along with some leftover deli roasted chicken and another bag with raw carrots and cucumbers, then sat down to nosh.

I joined a table with three of my compadres. Two of them had delicious-looking Jimmy Johns and the other had family man leftovers.

"What is that?" one of them asked.

I launched into my jicama explanation and invited them all to try some.

"It tastes like a, umm, potato? Or an apple? Or a big water chestnut?" they responded, as expected. It's a hard thing to describe. The flavor is sort of non-existent and the texture is a cross between an apple, potato, water chestnut and something slightly more fibrous.

"Why do you eat it?" they asked.

Because it gives me something to chew, I explained. It makes me feel like I'm eating something. It fills me up without many calories. They nodded as I tried to make it seem rational.

"So it's white. And really without flavor," one said. "Boy, you add that to tofu and you've really got a meal!"

"And a big glass of water!" said another. "Room temperature water!"

Now they're laughing.

"And a RICE CAKE!" said the third. And now they're rolling on the floor, flat out making fun of me.

Me and my white, tasteless, calorie-free food.

"I don't eat rice cakes," I mumble.

"And I don't really like water. Or Wonder Bread ... I'll beat you to it."

I didn't tell them my other favorite is cauliflower.

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