Monday, May 26, 2014

Views from My Walk

After my bike ride and RIPPED class on Saturday, I was a hurting unit on Sunday. As in, hobbling around the house sore. We did some butt work and it, well, worked. So instead of a nice long run, I took a nice long walk.

Walking gives me time to look at things. I thought you might like to see what I saw.

Lilacs. My favorites, along with peonies. I like to call them old
lady flowers. I love it when the scent hangs so heavy in the air
that you smell them before you see them. 
 This next group of photos are of weeds. Well, I think they're weed. Weeds or wildflowers. I'm not sure what the difference is, really. If they're pretty, I guess I don't care.

This brave little guy was all by himself in the 
grass. I admire his determination and spunk.

Yes, I KNOW these are weeds. But in the spotty sunlight, 
they seem lacy and angelic. 

These guys are out in force right now. Some a darker purple,
some lighter and some almost white. 

This is the almost white variety. 

And this is a pretty mixture of the two. With 
an unplowed field in the background. 
And then there's mailbox art. My boring Menard's special mailbox, with its chipped door and black magic marker fire number written on the front pales in comparison.  (And, I'd like to publicly say "thank you" to Mr./Ms. Letter Carrier for taking it upon yourself to write on MY mailbox ... even though the post has 2"H numbers on it and the township sign is clearly visible. Pretty sure that's vandalism, but whatever.)  
Mailbox art. I have walked, ran, biked past this
mailbox 100 times and never noticed this pretty
gal before. I think we should name her, don't you?

This is the name of the road I live on. This mailbox originally  
belonged to a member of the familiy for whom the road is named.
Sometimes it's good to slow down and take a look around.

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