Sunday, February 16, 2014

Up, Up and Awaaaaaaaaayyyyy

Doesn't that song just make you feel light and airy? Don't you see feathered hair and bell bottoms in low, warm, afternoon sunlight?

Me, too. It's how my workout this morning made me feel.

I'm almost afraid to tell you about it. But you know me, I can't keep a secret.

I ran 6 miles. I haven't done that since late fall. Why? Because it's hard for me to run more than about 5 miles on the treadmill without going bonkers and you already know what this winter has been like. And because my knees were simply not cooperating.

However, the additional Omega 3/fish oil supplement has been keeping me lubed up and feeling good ... so for the past few weeks, I've been slowly upping my weekly mileage. Today I managed 6 in a row, after a fast-paced 4 on Friday, a sprint/interval 2 on Thursday, and a normal 4 on Tuesday.

It all feels so good.

So very good, in fact, that I downloaded a marathon training plan today. I was all cocky, thinking that at 6 miles I was "halfway" there ...

Umm, yeah. The training plans I found START with a long run of 6 miles on Week 1. So I'm officially at Week 1 of a 16 or 18 week plan.

But that's OK.

I want to do just one marathon. Just one. I want it on so many levels. Probably most because I think I can't do it. And because my docs have told me I can't. (Don't you hate it when someone says you can't? Pisses me right off.)

I want it because I need a big goal ... something to chase. Something to conquer.

I want it because I know I might only get one chance to do it and this feels like the right time.

I want it because I'm tired of wanting it.I'm tired of sitting and spinning and chewing on this particular cud. Having it behind me would free up some of my time to worry and fetter about something else.

I want it because I don't think I'll be "done" with the original (though undefined and un-understood) goal I set at the beginning of this journey until I finish it.

Oh, and I'm not getting any younger.

We'll see where this goes. If you've got 16 weeks and want to come along for the ride, let me know.

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