Monday, February 11, 2013

Endings and Beginnings

This was a rough weekend. Sorry for the lack of posting.

We decided it was time to let Blue go and I officially lost my running partner. She and I put on a lot of miles, walking and running, old and new me. She was there to monitor my eating and my workouts when no one else was.

End of an era.

I have to admit ... the house is very strangely quiet and I've shed more tears than I planned.

The weekend also marked the end of my workout hiatus. I walked a mile on the treadmill on Sunday and rode my bike for 30 minutes this morning. My knee is still not right, so I'm trying to start small. The pain is less, but I don't trust it ... it's still wobbly and unsteady. But I have to push it to know what it CAN do and that's where I'm at.

Tomorrow is the end of my out of control eating, too. This weekend alone: cheeseburger, french fries, cheesecake, birthday cake ... I could go on, but won't. You get the idea.

Wednesday will be the beginning of back to the strict Med diet. (With a small break for 5 days of vacation, that is.) Lent couldn't come at a better time. I would like it to be the beginning of my final push to my final goal weight. I've said this before and not accomplished what I said I was going to. But I want to make it true this time.

It's also the beginning of the training plan for the Rock The Rock Challenge.

That's a lot of change for one weekend. No wonder I'm tired.


Amber said...

So sorry to hear about Blue :( I have a wedding this weekend but then I'm back on a big push to the goal weight! Let's do this!-amber

Miss Daisy said...

Thanks, Amber! And I'm officially following Love and Garlic Salt and I recommend others do the same!!!!