Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rules for Vacation

Yep. I'm leaving on a jet plane early tomorrow for a short getaway to tropical climes. We're going with friends (CC reader Quigley and her hubs, in fact) and I'm soooo looking forward to getting my toes in the sand. 

Since this is the first time we've traveled "Couples Style," I thought it was important to set some ground rules: 
1.       No swimming suit photos without permission of person in swimming suit
2.       All unflattering photos of aforementioned swimming suits – even though taken with permission – are not publishable (Facebook, newspaper, family albums) and, should be deleted/discarded/burned to protect the innocent.
3.       Smiles required. Patience required. Esso, esso, relax man!
4.       No talk of how much weight we’re gaining by eating and drinking allowed DURING trip. (There’s time for that on the plane home.)
5.       Bring your own sunscreen. That shit’s expensive in the hotel gift shop.
6.       Rule #5 applies to Immodium AD, too.
7.       Something “bad” is bound to happen. We’ll roll with it because it’s vacation and it will make a good story later.
8.       Rules # 1 and #2 are VERY important.
9.       You are free to notice the imperfections of your traveling companions’ bodies, but you are not allowed to speak of them once we’re back in the real world.
10.   We earned this. And we should enjoy it.

I'll likely be without internet access, so I'll talk to you on the flip side. 

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