Sunday, January 6, 2013

Free to Good Home

In an attempt to change things up a bit, I'm in the midst of what I'll call, "Exercise Exploration 2013."

You see, I'm in a rut. My hip and knee are back to hurting beyond normal (back to sports med doc on Wednesday) and I'm back to hating swimming. That leaves me with biking and every-other-day-at-best-running/walking. And I'm getting bored.

So in an effort to shake things up, I bought some exercise DVDs this weekend. I picked up Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30, a CorePower Yoga for Beginners and a double feature Dancing with the Stars workout thing.

I tried them all this morning.

The Dancing with the Stars deal is available to the first person who tells me they want it. Free of charge.

I think I'm really going to like the Jillian one. It's a 4-week program and I'm going to do it at night, trying to keep cardio going in the mornings. I have to modify some of the jumpy-jump stuff because my knees just can't take it, but that's OK.

And, I'm pretty sure Yoga and me aren't going to get along either, but the jury is still out.

What DVDs do you have/use/like/hate? Maybe we can do a little swap via CC.


Amber said...

I hate hate hate exercise videos. I'd rather run up and down the basement stairs and do 200 jumping jacks. That being said, I have a weight watchers punch video that isn't awful. I also bought Jillian Michaels body revolution.. its a 3 month program with different discs. I actually used to love Tae Bo. Let me know if you'd like to borrow any.

Amber said...

Miss Daisy and CC readers.. if you're in need of a helping of inspiration I reccomend this blog post about an 11 year old that lost 85 lbs by eating less and moving more. So inspiring!!

Miss Daisy said...

Thanks for the offer and the link, Amber! I think I bought Tae Bo a hundred years ago. And never did it. I spent 30 minutes with Jillian again tonight and, I have to admit to being a bit sore.