Friday, January 25, 2013

Knee, Knee Hooray?

Quick medical update: Knee MRI revealed a Baker's cyst, but no meniscus damage ... which means no surgery! I am going to have it drained and hope that takes care of the pain.

My online research says most Baker's cysts are NOT painful. In fact, oftentimes you don't even know you have them.

So apparently, my limping is ridiculous. And I'm not being woken up in the middle of the night. And I don't cry while sitting on the couch or in the car. Because they simply don't hurt.

That's a relief.

(The alternative is that I am the biggest faker, liar, wuss on the planet. Or the MRI didn't show something. I guess both are possible. Not sure which I'd prefer to believe.)

In any case, sports med doc said I can't really do any damage to it by running. That is good news. Let the training begin.

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