OK, here's the truth:
I don't really like biking. I like it MUCH better than swimming. But not NEARLY as much as running. Or, think of it this way:
I would never go on a second date with Swimming. I would totally have sex with Running on the first date -- might not even make it through dinner first. Biking? I'd let him take me out a few times while secretly hoping something better (like sexy Mr. Running) would come along. He'd be a great date for a wedding when I needed a "plus 1." We'd even make out a little, but it wouldn't be that great. Better than nothing, but he's just not that good of a kisser. He tries hard, don't get me wrong. And he's perfectly nice, cute enough. I know he'd make a solid, stable husband ... good earning potential and my parents would like him.
But there's just no spark. And after a while, we just run out of things to talk about.
All that being said, I need biking right now. I need to keep my quads strong to help alleviate as much knee pain as possible. I need to spend a good portion of my cardio time on low/no impact exercise.
(And if Swimming is a no second date, Mr. Elliptical Machine ... the only other no-impact cardio available ... has a few STDs, a flesh-eating disease, belongs to PETA/Palin for President/Scientology and has really, really, really bad breath. You can date him. Maybe you met a better one. I just don't like him. )
Hence the 54 miles yesterday.
Here's what I discovered ... nearly 4 hours by yourself, listening to your own thoughts is a Long. Damn. Time.
I don't dare wear music. Riding on 55 mph roads for part of my route makes that impossible. I need all my senses and then some to stay safe.
That leaves me and my own head.
Yesterday, my head ran out of things to think about long about hour 3. The last 51 minutes were not so much a physical challenge as they were a mental one. I started to convince myself that I was tired. That the hill in front of me was too big. (Ironically, Big Hill Park is called such for a reason!) That my back hurt. That my neck hurt. That my butt hurt. That I wasn't sure I'd make it home.
I eventually pulled over on Highway D, got off my bike, stretched and walked around for about 5 minutes. I twisted my back, did some arm circles, touched my toes, drank some water, did some head rolls and breathed.
I must have rattled my brain around enough, because when I got back on my bike, I was ready for the two miles home and all was well once I got here.
Today, I wasn't sore or anything, so I know that my body was able to handle it physically. Yes, my legs were like concrete when I tried to run today. So I just walked most of the 6 miles I put in.
But that's OK.
If this biking thing is here to stay, and long rides are a part of that, I need to think of ways to stay engaged while I'm out there.
Any suggestions?