Friday, August 2, 2013

My Current Excuses

This is the pattern in my brain right now.

"I have a lunch date, a baby shower and a Friday night fish fry this week. Guess that means this week is shot and I will start eating better next week."

"I ate my normal bagel for breakfast. And some grapes. And a handful of pretzels for breakfast. Which sort of ruins the day. Guess that means today is shot and I'll start eating better tomorrow."

"Shit. I forgot to do my strength workout today. Guess that means this week is shot and I'll get back on track next week."

"Man, I'm tired this morning. I'm only going to do my short route today and I'll go longer tomorrow."

Guess what? Tomorrow doesn't come. Next week doesn't change. I keep saying I'm going to start "later" and then I don't.

I just find a new excuse.

It's a damn dangerous habit.

How do you stop eating badly? You stop eating badly. This minute. And the next minute. And the minute after that.

How do you drag your ass out of bed every day to exercise? You drag your ass out of bed every day.

You stop lying to yourself and accepting the excuses your brain dreams up.

Is it hard? Yes. But it's not complicated.

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