Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Favorite Pairings

Some things are just meant to be eaten together.
  • Watermelon and blackberries
  • Slightly sweet/sort of sour apples (Jazz, Pinanta, Gala) and sharp Cheddar cheese
  • Red grapes and pretzels
  • Honeydew and strawberries
  • Popcorn and Mini Heath 
  • Pistacios and dried cranberries (and dark chocolate, if I get a third)
  • Fresh baguette and Muenster
What are your favorites? 

1 comment:

Always a Beginner said...

- Red Bartlett pears and farmer's cheese
- Cold (as in, straight from the freezer), raw walnuts and WI crumbled gorgonzola
- (And since I'm on the topic of cheese) Bucky Badger's calico cheese and Triscuit Thin Crisps
- Chilis' salsa and ranch dressing (by the chip-ful, not spoonful)
- Crisp green apples (cold) and Mrs. Richardson's Butterscotch Caramel topping
- Caramel corn and cheese corn (Chicago-style, baby!)
- Diet Coke and limes
- Mashed potatoes and corn (all mixed up)
- Hot, fresh-outta-the-oven, gooey brownies and Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream

OMW. I just ate dinner and now I'm hungry again. Thanks a lot.