Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Benefit of Being Thinner #34

Nice men help you with heavy bags of ice.

Last week, before the baby shower, I had to run to pick up ice and balloons. Ice first. Three 20-lb. bags. I paid for them first inside the gas station, and then headed to the cooler outside the store. My car was parked a few spaces away.

First I set all three bags outside of the cooler on the ground. Then I attempted to grab two with one hand and juggle the third with my purse and car keys in the other hand.

I couldn't get it all done. And I sooooooo hate to make a second trip. (I am the queen of getting in the back door with ALL of the grocery bags on my arms. These are the lessons you learn when you live alone in an upstairs apartment for years.)

Then a nice youngish man (in the 30-year-old range, I suspect, which is unfortunately "young" for me these days) notices my conundrum and half jogs over.

"Here, I can get that for you," he says.

Thankfully, there was no "ma'am" tacked on the end of that sentence.

I smile. He bends down and carries two bags. I carry one.

And I was very appreciative. Also grateful that I chose to wear a dress and heels that day.

P.S. Dear Ms. Steinem, I know I am not supposed to think like this. But I do. I want boys to open building doors for me if we arrive in front of one at the same time, but I think waiting in the car for him to hop out and come let me out of my seat is crazy. I am not opposed to looking a bit helpless when I have to carry something heavy or do something dusty, but I also expect to get paid equally for the same work in the office. I will help move furniture, cut wood and sweep the garage. But I also expect him to occasionally do laundry, always carry the cooler and take out the garbage.  I hope you don't kick me out.

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