Monday, January 13, 2014

What Holds You Back?

We all talk about wanting to "be better" ... eat healthier, exercise more, be less stressed, sleep sounder.

But then we don't do those things. Or maybe we don't do them as well as we want to.

Ever wonder why that is?

I do.

I knew what healthy eating was. So why didn't I just do it already before agreeing to do this 24-day challenge thing? And what is it about this thing that's "making" me stick to it?

Way back when, I knew that carrying around 100 extra pounds was hard work. I knew how badly it made me feel inside. I knew I wasn't healthy. But yet for all those years I didn't do anything about it.

So, what is it?

Are you afraid you won't succeed? That you can't?

Do you really just not WANT to put the work in?

Or is there something you just love more than being healthier? (Because we both know eating fast food three times a week, sitting on the couch all day doesn't equal dropped pounds, right?)

I'm curious what YOU think, what you really think, when you dive deep into your head.

Maybe your thoughts/ideas/fears could help someone else. Maybe we could find a way to help each other ... simply by letting one of us know we're not alone.

If you're brave enough, comment below.


Always a Beginner said...

Motivation (or lack there of)

diane brooks said...

The lack of support from those close to me! I hear things like, how thin do you want to be? you look fine! why are you eating, drinking, taking that?

And as strange as it may sound, success scares me! Why is that?

HR GIRL said...

Let's see I don't know, what could it be....
7:00pm and I am just wrapping up work and heading home after I post this of course. My eating today has consisted of a latte, diet pepsi and a Planters bag of Sustaining Energy Mix for a whopping 260 calories (the mix that is). So, what holds me back? ME! I don't make myself a priority because I am a people pleaser and I am just going to say it - IT SUCKS!