Wednesday, January 1, 2014

10 Reasons I Like GGG

10. I like testing myself and the sense of constant improvement I get on a strength program. Every time you lift, you have the opportunity to do a little bit better than you did the time before. A couple more reps, an additional set, a heavier weight. Those "wins" are good for your brain and build you up, helping you believe you can take on bigger challenges (physical and otherwise).
9. I like the small group. If you know me, you know I'm not a big "joiner." I'm not truly comfortable in a group setting. But this small group of like-minded women was perfect. It was comfortable. Personal enough, but not too personal, if you know what I mean. The five of us filled up the little workout room at the country club, but didn't overfill it. Close enough to cheer each other on and help each other out.
8. I like being accountable to someone and making the commitment ... to myself, to Peggy and to the group. Let's be honest. It's easy to break a promise to yourself because your the only one involved. No one ever knows. But when someone else is dragging their butt out of a warm bed at 5:30 a.m. on a freezing cold morning makes it a whole bunch harder to skip.
7. I like the 5:30 a.m. wake up call to get my weekend off to a good start. Now, not every future GGG group will meet before dawn. But for me, this time was perfect. It made me feel tough to turn what was my normal "rest" day into a workout day and getting up before the sun just added to the GRIT factor.
6. I like having someone to toss ideas around with. As you know, I "created" my own plan for losing my weight. I didn't really know if I was approaching things correctly. And while I figured it out as I went, it was nice to have a guide to learn the strength training part the right way the first time.
5. I like learning how to do things properly. Weight lifting is more complicated than I thought. Just going through the motion of bending your arm is NOT the same as doing a correct bicep curl. For maximum results, the form has to be right. This is where I hear Peggy's voice, "Squeeze!"
4. I like having a plan ... and that it kept switching up. The program has a specific course of action, but the weekly workouts kept changing. Structure and variety. Structure to keep my OCD happy and variety to keep my easily-bored-brain happy.
3. I like the 6-week time frame. Long enough, but not too long. You can see the finish line, but it's far enough away. It's enough time to see significant changes in your body, too.
2. I like knowing that I don't have to do all cardio to stay cardio-fit. This is perhaps the best gift of the program for me. My knees can't take daily running. That's the reality. I now know that alternating strength and cardio keeps me strong enough to pick up and run 6 miles when I feel like it. I don't "lose" anything by not doing cardio every day. What a relief.
1. I like carrying around the title of a Girl that has Grit! I gotta admit ... I simply love the title. I like being a girl with grit. I'm not flowery and dainty and neither is this program. Bring it on!

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