All you need is a floor and an exercise ball. I prefer a bigger ball. I own two. Once is only as tall as my knees and I rarely use it. The other is "chair height" ... as in, I could use it at a desk like a chair. That's the one I use most.
I'm giving you my number of reps, but start wherever is right for you and work up if you want to. Or, better yet, blow my numbers out of the water!
Double Leg Raise On Ball: Lay face down on ball, with the ball under your hips, hands on floor. Keep your legs straight out behind you and put feet together. I think my toes sort of point toward the sides a bit. Lift your legs up at the same time and squeeze your butt at the top of the lift. Lower your legs in a controlled fashion and repeat. Squeeze each time. You have to actively think about squeezing! I repeat this 50 times.
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Frog Kick On Ball: Pretend you are a frog. Keep your hands in the same place and put the ball back under your hips. Frog kick out behind you, keeping your feet together. Move your feet in and out only, not up toward the ceiling or down toward the floor. Don't forget to squeeeeeeeeze! Repeat 30 times.
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Frog Lift On Ball: Your hands and hips stay in the same position, but instead of moving feet in and out, you're now going to move them to the "in" spot (like the above photo) and use your glutes to raise and lower your feet up toward the ceiling and back down to parallel with the floor. Be careful of your back and remember to squeeze those glutes each and every time. Repeat 30 times.
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Weighted Squat & Squeeze: Simple pliƩ squats with a weight in hand. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze! Repeat 25 times.
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Corner Kickbacks: Stand on one foot and lift the other back to the back "corner" of your butt. Use the back of a chair or wall to stabilize yourself if you're not too steady balancing on one foot. Do 25 on one side and then 25 on the other.
Like this, but less to the side and more toward the back corner:
I do three sets of this run-through. I normally choose squats OR the standing leg raises instead of doing both. Remember, the number of reps are completely up to you. Start with fewer and add five or 10 every other week as you get stronger. You will feel this where your butt meets your hamstrings if you SQUEEZE!
Did I remember to tell you to squeeze?
I started with far fewer reps on these. And I don't do three full circuits. I run through the list below twice and then add one more Abs section. So, three abs, two hips, if that makes sense.
Bicycles: You know what this is. Keep them slow/controlled and deliberate, concentrating on holding those abs in. Keep your chin off your chest ... you should be able to get your fist in between the two. I count these on each leg ... so repeat 70 times, or 35 on each leg.
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Double Leg Lift: Lay on your back, put your feet together and lift them, so your hips bend at 90 degrees. Then slowly let it back down. If you're feeling really frisky, try to keep your heels OFF the floor the whole time. You can also do this on a bench, if you have one. Repeat 20 times. Slow, controlled and remember to breathe ... you'll feel this burn in your stomach and quads.
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Side Plank Dips: Lay on your side. Get up on your elbow and keep your legs straight out. Dip your hip up and down. If you're unstable, you can bend that bottom leg. This might take a little getting used to, but you'll feel it in a different spot that the previous two moves. Repeat 20 times on each side.
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Clamshells: The first of two hip exercises. I do them to prevent another cortisone shot. Runners have notoriously weak hips because running/walking does nothing to make those muscles strong. Form is really important here. Slow, deliberate, controlled. Lay on side, bend at knees, and lift the top leg up and down like Ms. Pac Man's mouth. Repeat 75 times. I always get good burn on these and I can tell if I skip a day or two.
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Single Leg Lifts: Again, for hips. This looks easier than it is. Go until you feel a burn (and then do a couple more!). Lay on your side, bend the bottom leg for stability, then lift the top one up and down. You don't have to lift very high, but you have to keep everything in line and controlled. If you start winging this and doing it fast, you won't get the benefit. I'll say it again, slow, deliberate, controlled. Foot flexed.
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If you do these right ... with intensity and without dilly dallying between exercises ... you will sweat. Remember to keep your form solid and strong ... abs pulled in tight, concentrating on squeezing target muscles with each move. If you don't hold your form, you're just wasting your time because winging your limbs around doesn't really accomplish much. When you do it right, you'll feel the difference.
Have fun!
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