Monday, September 29, 2014

October is for Triceps

Tomorrow is the LAST day of 100 push ups.

And I couldn't be happier!

I feel stronger. I know my core is stronger. I know my push ups still suck, but I know I can do it.

So now it's time to try something new.

I hate the chicken flaps under my arms. I remember my fourth grade teacher and the flaps we made fun of ... now I have them. Well, mine are probably worse. Mine come with a good extra bit of poundage. Hers did not.

What's the best way to combat flap? Strong triceps!!!

So, October is Tricep Dip Challenge Month.

The goal:
Week 1: Three sets of 15 each day.
Week 2: Three sets of 20 each day
Week 3: Three sets of 30 each day
Week 4: YOU DECIDE ... how many can you do?

The further your feet are from the chair, the harder the dip. Keep your core tight. 

1 comment:

marthamac said...

I'm in!!!!