Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Motivation is a Myth

Looking for a magical, mystical vapor to come envelope you and get you on the "eat right/exercise" bandwagon?

Waiting for that spark to burst down deep in your gut that makes you enthusiastic about hitting the gym and the produce aisle?

Wishing for the planets and stars to align with a sign from above that this is, indeed, exactly THE RIGHT TIME to begin?

I have some bad news.

It ain't gonna happen.

Motivation is a myth. And inspiration isn't far behind.

Eating right and moving more is a decision. It's a decision you will probably have to make every day. Every meal. Hell, sometimes every 10 minutes, if it's the middle of the afternoon and someone has just delivered cupcakes to your office.

Boy, that sounds unsexy and completely cold, right?

The truth is that this whole thing takes a bit of effort. A bit of work. But the reason to do it is quite extraordinary. So if you need a magical, romantic, virtuous reason to begin, I can give you one.

You. You are the reason. You deserve to be healthy and happy. You deserve to feel good about yourself. You deserve a long life spent making memories with those you love.

Best of all, you are in charge. You and only you can make this decision for you. Stop blaming everyone and everything else. You are in charge of you.

And I am in charge of me. I needed this reminder myself today.

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