Friday, February 11, 2011

Clumsy Is As Clumsy Does

My brain must already be on vacation. This morning, I padded downstairs for the next-to-last workout before leavin' on a jet plane and I climbed on the treadmill ... nothing out of the ordinary.

I bumped the incline up to 3.5 and set my pace at 4.3 for the first mile. Then 4.6 for the next mile and three-quarters. Walked at 4.0 for a quarter mile and then cranked the speed to 4.8 for the last part of my 4 mile walk.

And I was watching some ditzy broad reupholster a chair on a home fix-it show. (Just between us, I think she was doing it wrong ... you know, based on my extensive HGTV knowledge.)

In any case, I must have been pretty engrossed because all of a sudden, I felt my toes falling off the back of the belt.

For two steps.

Toes touching the end of the belt as they tried to step forward. My heart quite literally stopped.

I grabbed the bars, hoisted myself back up to the front and THEN breathed again.

Really? After 11 months of being on the freakin' treadmill for at least 45 minutes a day, at least 6 days a week ... I'm going to fall off the day before vacation?

Now I'm thinking some sort of seatbelt rigging should be required. Like a fall protection harness.

I wonder what body part that would chafe?

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