Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is It Wrong?

Is it wrong to watch the Food Network while on the treadmill?

I do it. A lot. In fact, I'm a little obsessed. Occasionally I find things I can adapt for our new lifestyle. Most of the time, though, I am just watching for entertainment sake. Not really to learn a new recipe or cooking method.

It's wrong, right?

It reminds me of some kind of addictive behavior.

I caught a snippet on CBS Sunday Morning today in which they were interviewing Aaron Sorkin, the writer from The West Wing, A Few Good Men and The Social Network. He was talking about a pesky little cocaine habit that has caused a couple of trips to rehab.

Leslie Stahl asked him why he relapsed the first time. He said he thought he had his addiction under control and could use cocaine just a little. And you know how that story ends. After a second trip to rehab, he's been clean 10 years. She asked if he still thinks about using. He said, "Less than I used to."

I wonder if I will eventually feel that way about food. Will I not be so possessed by the thought of it, ever day, all day long? Will it really eventually just become fuel for my body versus the driving force of my day?

I hope so.

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