Friday, February 25, 2011

Good Point

One of our blog friends passed on a quote from volleyballer/model Gabrielle Reece a while ago. I can't find the exact words, but it went something like this:

"Exercise is like going to work. Some days you just don't want to go. But you do it anyway."

I like that.

You work because you have to pay your bills and feed your family and every now and then buy a gift for a loved one and go on vacation.

You exercise because you want to be healthy and live a long time and every now and then catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror that looks good and thrills your husband.

Sometimes I think people believe they have to be inspired or motivated to exercise. I no longer think that's true. Exercise is just a required part of your day ... like eating and pooping and breathing.

You know it's the right thing to do. So you do it.

Go do it.


HR Girl said...

I feel so privileged that you share my stuff with your blog followers 
Here’s another one that really has me thinking….so during a massage yesterday, my masseuse asks me when my last massage was and I think about it a while and tell him about 18 months ago. He sighs (yes, sighs) and tells me with my type of job I need to be having massages more often.
He went on to recommend a minimum of four massages a year and then he says, “It’s always been interesting to me that most of us are better at making sure our cars receive regular maintenance and upkeep, but we don’t do the same for ourselves and we are suppose to last longer and run better.”
That still has me thinking 24 hours later…………..

Miss Daisy said...

I think your masseuse is right. We don't take care of ourselves like we should. Eating right, exercising, massage, time away from stress at work ... it's ALL taking care of ourselves and necessary!