Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Two Pounds, 50 Weeks

Saw a post on Facebook yesterday that knocked my socks off.

I'll paraphrase: "Haven't talked about this before here, but now is the time. I reached my goal weight today. I'm 50 weeks in and have lost a total of 111 pounds with the help of Weight Watchers."

This amazed me. The person who posted it is the wife of a co-worker. As with lots of Facebook friends, she's someone I would most certainly recognize to say hello to on the street, but someone I haven't seen in person in a long time. I'd heard she was on the path, her husband was proud of the journey, but it was great to see the elegant and understated victory post.

It got me thinking.

Somehow, 111 pounds sounds impossible when you think of it as a whole. Yet when you throw in 50 weeks, and do the math, it seems so incredibly doable. Fifty weeks is just not that long. You can get your head around that time frame. Two tiny pounds a week sounds completely manageable. It's just not that much. Little changes add up to two pounds a week more easily than you think.

Are you willing to try something new for 50 short weeks? I dare you. And will be there to cheer you on every step of the way.

(Oh, and congrats to this lovely lady! Nothing beats that sense of accomplishment and pride. Revel in it. You earned it.)

1 comment:

HR GIRL said...

Here are my list of questions for your co-workers impressive wife.....
Did she consistently lose?
Was she pretty good about hitting WW Healthy Guidelines?
Did she eat all daily and weekly points?
Did she drink diet coke or diet pepsi?
How much did she work out?
Has she tried WW before and if so, why was she successful this time?
Three biggest keys to her success?