Thursday, November 14, 2013


I am sorry for the lack of posting. I'm swimming in a sea of stress, with a long list of to-do's and no scuba tank.

The truth is I started a post detailing that list of issues, fears and tears. And then I realized that you don't want or need to read about that. You know why?

You all have your own stressors. Your own crap. Your own junk that life is handing you. And the truth is I know that some of you are dealing with stuff much worse than mine.

Chemo. Hospice. Dementia. To name a few.

I had the good fortune today to be able to come home after a brief bout of tears at my desk late this afternoon and get a workout in. It didn't solve a single thing, but it helped me clear my head enough to tackle the next issue.

Not all of you get that break.

Know that you are in my prayers every single day.

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