Monday, November 4, 2013

Cherry Coke Zero Update

Fail. Epic fail.

I cannot (rather choose not, I know, I know) live on one soda per day.

My new goal is two per day.

And I even failed at that today. And most of the weekend. OK, all of the weekend was a fail.

But I'm still thinking about it.

Sort of.

I could give you some lame excuse. Tell you how stressful my life is, how I'm gaining weight and this doesn't seem like the time to give up my biggest vice, how if I'm not drinking, I'm eating, how you really have to drink 7 or 8 gallons of aspartame-laced carbonated beverages a day for it to have any significant and detrimental effect.

Though much of that is true, none of it is an appropriate excuse.

The truth is I like Cherry Coke Zero and I'm still drinking it because I choose to.

I bet my acid-worn teeth and artificial-sweetener-esophagus-polyp-producing GI tract aren't happy with that decision.

F#*k 'em.

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