Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New Runner, Chapter 17

(I am behind on my New Runner posts and there is good news to report. So, without further adieu ... )

NEW RUNNER: I did it!!! 2 1/4 miles!!!

I did walk three times for about 20 steps to catch my breath and get a swig of water ... but I (almost) did it!!!!

I got out of work early, so I came home, changed my clothes, went out and ran. It FEELS GOOD!

Now, if I can do without the little breaks, I'll be good to go!

MISS DAISY: Yee haw!!! That's sooooo awesome! And remember, even MARATHON RUNNERS walk the water stations. So you are TOTALLY running!

NEW RUNNER: Damn weather. Resorted to the elliptical on Saturday. Too cold and windy.

MISS DAISY: I skipped my long run on Saturday, too. WAAAY too cold and windy to be outside. Better to use your head. I also firmly believe it's good for your body to switch it up every now and again ... don't let it get in a routine. I am sure hoping for some sun on race day.

TAKE NOTE, CC READERS: New Runner started running less than two months ago. Her first post was October 1 and her first run was October 2. She's running three times a week, using a Couch-to-5K program. That's three days a week for 30-45 minutes each time. Completely doable. And she's RUNNING. She's perfectly ready to run a 5K now, though I'm not sure she's ready to believe that in her head.

My point? It can be done. It doesn't take a lot of time. It doesn't take a bunch of equipment. You can do it anytime, anywhere, in most weather conditions. It's doable! You can do it, too!

1 comment:

New Runner said...

Thanks for your constant encouragement! I can't believe the race is only about 2 weeks away! I think our 'honoree' may be there that day! So excited!