Friday, November 8, 2013

Me, Einstein and a New Goal

Once upon a time, Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I think he's been reading this blog.

In case you haven't noticed, I've been doing the same thing over and over again (trying to out-exercise mediocre eating), and getting the same results (13 pound gain from my "old" standard and still 30 pounds away from my original goal).

So, I'm going to try something different. Something I'm actually kind of excited about.

I have a trainer!

Her name is Peggy and she's my R.I.P.P.E.D. instructor with the killer shoulders.

After jumping outside of my comfort zone to ask for help, I have decided to join a program of hers called Girls Got Grit. It's a 6-week deal, where we'll talk about diet, exercise and the challenges that come with both, I suspect. I'll get 1 hour a week of her time, a customized weekly workout plan, weigh-in and measurement recording and a dietary supplement (protein powder) to boost muscle retention.

I will admit to being a little leery of the supplement thing. Not because I am against it, but because I really know very little about "how" to think about it. I know what a healthy diet looks like. We all do. What I don't understand is how to maximize it or use it to support the activity that I'm doing. I am hoping Peggy will teach me her perspective on just that.

What I know is that doing what I'm doing now is not working. I need to follow a plan again. I need a list of rules. I need to try something new.

The oncoming holidays have me a bit worried and this plan will give me a roadmap to navigate them.

The best part? You get to come along for the ride!


New Runner said...

Lucky is! Good luck. Sounds very exciting!

New Runner said...
