Thursday, August 14, 2014


Conversation via text:

Kid: Where do you want to meet for lunch tomorrow?

Me: I'm going to be riding my bike, so I would prefer somewhere NOT on Milton Ave.. It's too hard and too dangerous to ride on it/around it/to it. So here are your options: Quaker Steak, Skip's, Cozumel or Luke's.

Kid: Skip's. What time?

(Editor's Note: Skip's is just under 2.5 miles from my front door.)

Me: 12:30 p.m. Give me 10 or 15 minutes since I'm riding to Milton first and it's hard to judge time sometimes. I'll have my phone and will keep you posted.

Kid: OK. See you then.

Palpable beat, beat, beat ...

Kid: You don't have to go to Milton to get to Skip's.

She's funny, right?

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