Sunday, August 31, 2014

September Challenge ... 100 Push Ups

I'm issuing a challenge. And I hope you join.

Push ups. It's all about push ups. I hate them. I suck at them. And therefore, I'm determined to conquer them. (The only way to get better at something is to do it again and again and again. That is the big, boring secret becoming successful at anything life, BTW.)

So I am going to do 100 a day. Every day. For all of September. My goal by the end of the month is to be able to do more "real" push ups consecutively than I can right now.

Join me! Declare your goal on the Facebook page or in the comments below.

Here's where I'm starting from:

Right now, I can do about 15 "real" push ups and another 20 or so on my knees before I am all in. After a little break, I can repeat that set one more time. That leaves me at about 70. Then I need a little longer break and I can do 10 full, with 20 knee versions to complete the set.

Keep in mind that I've been doing push ups in RIPPED for a LONG time and this is the best I can do.

Also, let me be clear ... my "real" push ups will not impress a single drill sergeant. They are NOT a full chest-to-the-floor kind of deal at all. In fact, I probably barely dip. It feels like I'm dipping, but I am guessing that it doesn't look like much from where you sit.

And before you start with the excuses ...

"Can't you pick something less repulsive than push ups?" I could. But I'm not going to. Why am I picking push ups? There is no single exercise that better works every part of your body. Think it's just chest and arm strength? Wrong! It's core, baby. You're going to feel this in your abdomen, in your triceps, in your back and in your shoulders. You need absolutely no equipment. You can do it anywhere. And if you spend 30 minutes a week on this total, I'll be shocked.

"I haven't done a push up since grade school!" So what? This isn't rocket science and you CAN do it. Be smart. Use good form. Hands under your shoulders. Butt flat or inline with your head and ankles. (Don't bend at your waist.) Keep your nose pointed straight down at the floor. Lock in your glutes, abs and chest. Dip as low as you can in a controlled, purposeful way.

"I really can't do a single one! I'm not crawling around on the floor." Yes, you can! There is a push up that will work for every level of fitness. Adapt. Can't do it on your toes? No big deal! Do them on your knees. Can't do them on your knees? No big deal! Do them on a bench or chair or the arm of the couch. Can't do them there either? No big deal! Do them on the wall. Yes, on the wall. See how to do it here.

"100? Really? 100?" I picked 100 because it's a number my brain accepts as a challenge. It fits me. But if you want a different number, pick one that's right for you. 75? 50? If you want to do a progressive sort of build, that's OK, too. Find a sample on this page.  I don't care. This is YOUR challenge. You aren't competing against me. You're competing against you. But have a goal. The idea is to make it seem hard so that when you do accomplish it, you feel great.

And you will accomplish it. You are able to accomplish it.

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