Friday, August 26, 2011

No Regrets

I set my alarm for 5 a.m. today, to make sure I had enough time to get a decent workout in before clocking in for an early meeting.

The buzzer buzzed, I crawled out of bed, weighed myself and crawled back in bed. The number was good and I was tired.

I started to go through the traditional rationalizations:
  • Yeah, I worked out every day this week -- fairly hard -- so I can skip today.
  • Yeah, I'll be able to exercise every day this weekend, so I can skip today.
  • Yeah, I think my eating will be OK during the weekend, so I can skip today.
And then I thought about how I might feel later if I stayed in bed.

There's a good chance I might feel badly if I don't haul my hind end out of bed. But I'll never regret going down there and hitting the treadmill.

So I went. (Your MIND is the most powerful muscle, remember!)


HR GIRL said...

This post and this "push and discipline" is what we all yearn for ( at least it is for me ). When I sent that last text Thursday night at 11 pm I knew you would get up. I didn't and I don't have one damn excuse, not one. Here's to you for doing it and showing all of us what is possible if we want it bad enough.

Miss Daisy said...

I think it was you that put the volleyball chick's quote in my head. Exercise is like work. Some days you don't want to go, but you do anyway. It's making a choice. And the more of a routine it becomes, the more momentum you get and the less you fight it.

HR GIRL said...

“Even on the days you just don’t feel like going to work, you still go, right? It’s the same with exercise.” - Gabby Reece

She goes on to say "Accept that a healthy lifestyle is not a destination but a journey. Most athletes usually do not obsess over their food intake or their basic physical exercise. They just choose healthy foods that fuel their body while dedicating the necessary time and energy to keep their physique in top form. For them, a fit body isn’t just something they bring to a high school reunion or a wedding – it’s the body they live in daily. Gabrielle Reece suggests we all give our health and fitness the same importance that we do our job ( whether that's outside the home or inside the home). That’s something we all can and should do!

On a personal note, I so want to get to this point in my life and I know if I keep moving forward that is is obtainable.

Miss Daisy said...

Get out of your own way, HR Girl.