Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm not going to be running on Saturday. At least I don't think I will be. And I'm so disappointed. I really wanted to go 10 miles, before it gets too cold and while I was on this roll. I knew I had the wind for it ... and I was hoping for the leg.

It's still so strange to me to get my head around the fact that I'm disappointed I can't work out. That I WANT to run and am so genuinely upset that I can't right now.

Trying to be careful and patient so that if this is just an "overdid it" situation, it can heal and I can get back to work as quickly as possible. Scared to death that I screwed something up in a big way.

Either way, my Saturday this week isn't going to nearly as much fun as I had planned.


marthamac said...

Want to come to the 'old' hometown and have a coffee with a friend instead??? :)

Miss Daisy said...

Oh, Martha! That sounds fun! And if I didn't have to be in Fort (well through Fort and then in Fort to drop my mom off) for a wedding in Oconomowoc tomorrow, I would so take you up on the invite!

marthamac said...

Another time! :)