Monday, October 31, 2011

Cowboys Like Fat Calves

Remember that treasure chest of "Jim-isms" I mentioned a few days ago? This is one of them. And I think he honestly means it as a compliment. As in, no one likes a skinny girl ... they're better with a bit of meat on 'em.

("Friday night girls" and "Skinny girls hate themselves" are two more sayings along this line that I can explain to you in person someday.)

But back to the subject at hand. Or leg, as it were.

I needed boots this weekend. Fashionable ones. With heels. I need them because I don't know how to hem pants and I just bought a black pair and a brown pair that were a smidge too long. Hence the need for two pair of boots ... a black and a brown.

I tried on several pair, looking for just one that would actually zip over my calves. Holy Toledo. My legs are not stick skinny. Never have been, never will be. But boy ... I didn't expect to battle four out of five styles of boots to get them closed. The two I bought are not exactly comfy, but with a little effort and elbow grease, they'll work.

What would I have done two years ago?

Ankle boots, I guess.

1 comment:

marthamac said...

I tried on 'riding' boots this past weekend with the same issue. Thought I might be able to wear them with 'skinny' jeans. Ah, no...I don't think so...could hardly get 'em zipped over just the knee-high socks! Decided to wait and see if I could find a different pair. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with calf issues. Better than butt issues, heh?