Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Makes You Happy?

Doing a lot of soul searching these days, trying to answer that question.

While every life has many reasons to fret, worry and fear, I am doing my best to accept those things I cannot change, as the saying goes, and put my time and energy into the activities and people that make me better.

The parts of my life I look forward to? The nights my family hangs out at my house, eating a little, drinking a little, talking a little, laughing a little. The afternoons when Jim comes home from hunting and pretends not to care when he sees that it's salad for supper.

And, these last three weeks, I look forward to my Saturday morning run more than just about anything.

Who would have ever imagined that?

I'm challenging myself. Seeing how far I can go. Last week I ran 7.25 miles and felt so amazing I can't find words to describe it. I can't wait to see if I can add a mile or maybe two this week. I'm obsessing about it and already anxious for the sun to come up on Saturday.

Makes me think I should find a way to focus more of my time and energy there. Find a job that feeds that part of my soul. Find a way to help others discover what I did inside myself.

I wonder what that might be?


SusieG said...

Totally get it Miss Daisy :) Have recently been doing that soul searching as well... proud (and scared to say) that I'm changing the job thing up for a bit to be able to feed my soul :) It's a very good thing :)

Miss Daisy said...

Susie G, I'm dying to know what this means!!!! And wish you all the best of luck! Congratulations on being brave enough to jump in.