Saturday, June 16, 2012

Benefit of Being Thinner #31

The reflection of me I see in the side mirror of my car as I'm sitting in the passenger seat is one that doesn't make me cry.

On long trips, Jim usually drives and I ride shotgun. Back in the old days, I'd catch a glimpse of myself in the side mirror and all I could see was the rolls above/below my bra line and roll that separated my head from my shoulders. It always made me feel so bad inside. I could never quite believe I looked like "that."

I will admit to being a little narcissistic about the me that flashes in that same mirror these days. She always surprises me. And I probably stare at her a little longer than I should. Or find reasons to sneak another peek.

I hope that's not conceited. It's honestly and purely just ... wonder.

1 comment:

marthamac said...

And stare, you should. Admire your hard deserve it! :)