Monday, June 11, 2012

Mood Follows Action

Read an interesting article on today.

I'm drawn to these stories about people have turned their lives around, so this one grabbed my attention. And while I admire this dude's ability to go from "fat to fit," completing an Ultraman race (essentially two Ironman races at once ... swimming 6 miles, biking 260 and running 52) and something called the Epic 5 (which is finishing five Ironman races in less than a week), that wasn't the thing that got me in this article.

It was this quote:

" ... remember that mood follows action. I think it's very easy to say I'll get to that when I feel better or when I'm in the right mood, then I'll do that, or when the universe aligns and everything is perfect, then I'll dust off that dream, but it never happens. The action has to come first. You have to take the action before you know where it's going to lead you without knowing the outcome and irrespective of your mind-set or how you feel at the time."

I couldn't agree more. Your brain is the most difficult muscle to train, right? Get up, get moving and the rest will follow. You'll feel better for moving and want to move more. 

Inertia is an under-rated motivator. 

(Oh, and CHEESE AND RICE! Two Ironman races in one and five in five days? I'm pretty sure that means I can drag my rear end out of bed tomorrow morning for a nice four-miler.)

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