Friday, June 29, 2012

He's Baaaaack

Jim's back on the healthy eating horse.

And dropping pounds quickly.

What an asshole.

Ha! I'm mostly kidding. But it does make me mad that he eats well for two weeks and drops 10 lbs. It's so not fair.

There really is a difference in the way girls' bodies and boys' bodies work. I am trying to be happy for and supportive of him.

But I'm insanely jealous, too. And hate him just a little. Which isn't wrong, right?


HR GIRL said...

Mike lost 7 pounds this week! He can join Jim in the Asshole Hall of Lame.

HR GIRL said...

By the way, great job Jim! I bet you feel better.

Miss Daisy said...

Asshole Hall of Lame. I'm so using that in my everyday life. Thanks, HR Girl! And congrats to Mike. With a little "bite me" thrown in for good measure.