Friday, June 22, 2012

I So Want to Run

Amber and GaryAllanFan are running their first 5K tomorrow. I'm so excited for them.

And so jealous.

Day 10, no cardio. Going bat-shit crazy.

No doctor appointment made, either. Thought I had successfully self-diagnosed with help of the internet. Now I'm not so sure.


Anonymous said...

Seriously? Get your ass to a doctor and figure out what's going on. I don't want to have come down there and drag you there.

Miss Daisy said...

The first thing they'll tell you is rest and ice and compress and elevate and see how it goes. So I'm doing all that. Plus lifting some weights and trying to stay off it. Today it seems to feel a little better. If it's still better tomorrow, I'm riding my bike ... for about 5 hours if I can.