Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Keep It Simple, Silly!

There's a certain CC reader who has made a choice to do things a little differently. And I think she's on the right path.

What's she doing, you ask? Get ready for this big news ...

She's eating healthy stuff and exercising. And she's dropping the lbs.

As in, 8.6 in two weeks. No fancy medicines. No late-night TV plastic exercise equipment. No costly gym programs.

She's eating the right amount of healthy food and exercising a little.


I'm going to share a few of the "rules" she's following from Bob Harper's "The Skinny Rules" book to help you with this revolutionary concept. There are 20 in total. Simple rules, simple ideas ... take a shot at it and let me know how it works!

Rule 1: Drink a large glass of water before every meal -- no excuses!
Rule 3: Eat protein at every meal ... or stay hungry and grouchy.
Rule 11: Make one day a week meatless.
Rule 14: Eat a real breakfast.
Rule 19: Sleep right.

There are some other tidbits Bob shares that are really worth checking out. I like his no-nonsense approach and clean, easy ideas.

And most of all, I love that our CC friend is being successful. GO YOU!


Anonymous said...

Woot Woot! Down with rule 11 though. No white potatoes :( -amber

Miss Daisy said...

I thought I'd miss potatoes. Especially hash browns and french fries ... my favorite potato forms. But I don't miss them that much. If I get a craving for all that starchy goodness, I make hash browns or oven fries with sweet potatoes. Not a lot better, but some.

And, for the rest of you that don't SEE Miss Amber as often as I do ...

She's looking HOT! I'm not sure how much weight she's lost in the past few months, but she looks fantastic! Maybe someday she'll guest blog and tell us about it?

Anonymous said...

Sweet potatoes are what Bob suggests too. And thanks for the compliment!! I'd love to share someday!- Amber