Friday, December 21, 2012

Internet Diagnosis

I love the World Wide Web. You can learn so much. Tonight I set out in search of the cause of my knee pain.

And I have diagnosed myself with Chodromalacia or patello femoral pain syndrome or runner's knee. I believe the ligaments aren't moving properly over my kneecap, causing pain. The pain is worse when I'm sitting with my knees bent or lying down with my legs curled up, and honestly not that bad when I'm actually running.

Treatment? Rest, ibuprofen and quad strengthening exercises. The good news is that you can't really hurt it more by running.

So that's that. I ran 4 miles this morning, the farthest I've gone for a few weeks. And it felt so good. I'm paying for it now, but them's the breaks. Who needs kidneys? There are people at the Advil factory that are very happy to have my support.

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