Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tired of Eating

It really is a good thing the holidays come but once a year.

As Jim and I were cleaning up the remnants of our big family meal last night ... after all the company had left, after all the leftovers had been tossed, frozen or repackaged, after all the dishes were done ... I asked him what he wanted me to bundle up for his lunches.

His response?

"Nothing. I'm tired of eating."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

The fridge is stuffed to overflowing, as is the freezer. There are still cookies in Tupperware in the garage. And none of it even sounds good anymore.

Today was a welcomed day of clean eating. Had to get it in before the weekend fires up with more merriment. It just feels good to feed your body the stuff it needs. It helps put your head in the right spot ...

Feeling good about what you did today makes tomorrow easier.

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