Thursday, December 6, 2012

There's Floaties in the Water

All of a sudden, the pool is grossing me out.

The water is just warm enough to encourage bacterial growth and I see floaties in it. The locker room is carpeted, harboring heaven knows what. You aren't allowed to wear shoes and have to traipse a flight of stairs to get to the pool.

Oh, and snot comes out of my nose when I'm swimming; so I imagine it works that way for others, too. Which is only really gross when you consider that water inevitably goes in and out of your mouth when you're taking a breath.

It doesn't help that the PA at work just told me the itchy, flaky patch on my swollen eyelid was due to a fungus.

Wonder where that could have come from?

Feel free to tell me I'm being ridiculous. Or I may never go back again.

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