Monday, November 11, 2013

Girls Got Grit Pre-Test

So, Girls Got Grit is underway. Saturday afternoon, my two co-workers, D1 and D2, met Peggy at my house and we officially kicked off the program. I'm running short on time tonight, so I'm going to give you the fast version of what happened and what's to come.


  • Talked about the program ... what it is and how to keep expectations realistic (you're not going to lose 30 lbs. in 6 weeks, for instance)
  • Reviewed the workout plan ... Five 24-minute workouts, each with a different theme (stretch, strength, melt, something and something else). 
  • Tasted one of the two supplements ... it's the powder you mix in with water. From what I can tell, it's a super-duper vitamin load. And it doesn't taste that good, no matter how hard I try. But I can get it down 1x/day. I have to ask more questions about this ... my understanding of how vitamins work is that your body just flushes what you don't need, so I don't get the point. Plus, I already take a daily multi-vitamin, in spite of the fact that I think my eating covers the nutritional basics pretty well. The other supplement is a pill form. Will get that tomorrow.
  • Took measurements, got weighed and had photos taken for our "before/after" comparisons. Also had to share our goals. I'm including my goals below. 
  • Decided on a weekly meeting time/place where we'll get our individual workout info ... 5:30 a.m. on Fridays! Doesn't that sound fun? 
  • Learned it's encouraged to keep a food journal. I'm actually going to keep mine here on the blog because it's the easiest place to do it. I'm sure it will be fascinating reading ... not. Feel free to skip it. And, if you do read it, you have to promise not to laugh or poke fun at me behind my back. 
That's the basics. More to come later. I think I'm going to post about GGG one time a week. Should be an interesting ride. 

1. I want to run one marathon. Preferably in the spring. (I like training outside in the winter.) My orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist have both told me it's not going to happen. They say I won't be able to do it and that I shouldn't because it's going to hurt too much. But I know I can do it and it hurts now ... so what's the difference? Ha! I know I can find a way to train to do it. I have to be smarter about it. I can run a maximum of three times/week. 

2. I want to be lean. I have never in my life been lean. At my lowest "consistent" adult weight, I was 147. I was leaner, but still not lean. I think I know the difference between lean and skinny. And I'm pretty sure skinny is not in my DNA. But I want to get to a point where I KNOW what part of me is extra, leftover skin so that I could, if I chose to, get rid of it.

3. I want to be strong. I don't want body-builder muscles. But I want to know I am as strong on the outside as I am in the inside. I am limited because of my knees. No/limited squats and lunges. But I can do a little with a quad press machine. 

4. And I want to know I can maintain this forever. Well, at least until I get to be an old lady and then I'm going to eat a lot of cheeseburgers and brownies and bacon and not give a rip. This body is still "new" ... and I have put on 15-ish from that 147. I am not afraid of the work. I understand the core of the eating. I want to get to my final destination and be done. I never intended to stop at 147. I thought I'd shoot for something in the 130 range, knowing I would likely put on 5-10 over time. But I got stuck. And I got lazy. And I didn't have any real consequences for a while. But now I have 15 pounds of consequences and I'm hoping this program is the change of scenery I need to get back on the horse. 

1 comment:

Amber said...

Excited to read about your experience! You got this!